2021-2025 National Development Strategy [NDS-I ]

To implement the National Development Strategy (NDS1) – 2021 to 2025, Government will move with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) theme of “leaving no-one and no place behind.” In this regard, technical and financial support from both the Private Sector and Development Partners is welcome. To ensure smooth and effective implementation of the NDS1, an all inclusive coordination and implementation architecture, supported by comprehensive communication strategy for the NDS1 will be developed.
The NDS1 is premised on four critical guiding principles.
The first is a recognition that bold and transformative measures are required to underpin the drive towards the attainment of our Vision 2030. Slow and incremental change will not deliver the transformation that the people of Zimbabwe deserve.
Secondly, it is clear that, while we continue to make headway with our international re-engagement e.orts, which in time will yield positive results, we must intensify our efforts to generate growth through intentional mobilisation of domestic growth vectors. To this end, the NDS1 must attend to the development and capacitation of key national institutions, which will create the enabling environment critical for transformative economic growth. Further, let me re-emphasise that Zimbabwe is open for business to all investors, foreign and domestic, including Zimbabweans in the Diaspora.
Thirdly, the NDS1 must deliberately leverage Zimbabwe`s competitive advantages particularly with regards to the configuration of our natural resource endowment, our excellent ecological endowment and our skills base.
Finally, for transformative and inclusive growth to bring benefits to all Zimbabweans in a fair, transparent and just manner, we must deepen our commitment to the tenets of good corporate governance as enunciated in our Vision 2030 document.
The Government of the Republic of Zimbabwe would like to express its profound gratitude to the following: UN family, represented by the Resident Coordinator, The World Bank Country O¥ce, African Development Bank, Confederation of Zimbabwe Industries, Zimbabwe National Chamber of Commerce, Miners Associations, Farmers Organisations, Tourism Associations, Civil Society, Represented by NANGO, Women Organisations, Bankers Association of Zimbabwe and Labour Unions, among others. We anticipate the partnerships to continue during the implementation time frame of the NDS1.