Zimbabwe SDGs review progress report

The Sustainable Development Goals Progress Review Report was developed through funding provided by the Government of Zimbabwe and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Country Office.
The Government of Zimbabwe greatly appreciates the financial and technical support provided by UNDP and all United Nations Agencies that participated in the production of this report.
The review of progress made in the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals in Zimbabwe would have not been possible without the active participation of SDGs Focal Persons from all Government Ministries, Civil Society Organizations, the Private Sector and Trade Unions.
The Government of Zimbabwe acknowledges the inputs provided by a number of stakeholders that include the Parliament of Zimbabwe, traditional leaders, local authorities, persons with disabilities, youth and women during the consultations.
The team of consultants led by Dr. Prosper Chitambara is greatly appreciated for their commitment to the production of this SDGs Progress Review Report.
The Government is also grateful to the SDGs Coordinating team that devoted its time in giving direction during the production of this report.
Finally, the guidance provided by the Office of the President and Cabinet is noted and appreciated.